Beneficiary Groups
The eMadrid network is a project funded by the Region of Madrid to support the research and development of educational technologies. The Universidad Carlos III is the network coordinator and works jointly with the Autónoma de Madrid, Complutense de Madrid, Politécnica de Madrid, Rey Juan Carlos & UNED universities, as well as other educational institutions and private companies involved in the sector.
The beneficiary groups of the participating universities are as follows:
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

GAST: The Telematic Applications and Services Group (GAST) of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid is framed within the Department of Telematics Engineering. It consists of about 40 members and is led by Professor Carlos Delgado Kloos. His research focuses on the field of technologies relating to telematic services and applications. The group has extensive experience in the use of learning technology including semantic web, ubiquitous computing and intelligent environments. In the framework of this project the group has extensive experience both from the research and technical point of view in areas such as adaptation of educational experiences, learning analytics, evaluation, electronic content authoring, gamification, augmented reality, simulators or MOOCs platforms.

GHIA: The Advanced Interactive Tools Group is focused on developing new technologies for interactive software. We are concerned about the various aspects involved in the way people work, relate with others, and learn, in order to develop new methodologies, models and tools to support human activity in this context. Our main areas of research include human-computer interaction, educational applications, systems support cooperative work, development of user interfaces, continuous simulation, and software engineering, among others.

e-UCM develops its research through various types of projects. On the one hand, it participates in the planning and execution of competitive projects in cooperation, both domestically (National R & D, Plan Avanza, etc.) and at European level (Seventh Framework Programme, Lifelong Learning Programme, Alfa program, etc.). These projects constitute the bulk of its funding and its base work. On the other hand, it also carries out projects of a more experimental and innovative nature, mainly led by the initiative and push of the group, and motivated by the desire to help the development of the e-Learning field.

DIEECTQAI. Within the Department of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Control at UNED, professors and researchers in the areas of Electrical Engineering, Electronics Technology, Telematics Engineering and Engineering Systems and Automation are integrated, mostly in G-Elios (Research Group in Electrical Engineering and Advanced Technologies in Education, Electronics, Control, Computers, Renewable Energy, Sustainability, Mobility and Communications), participating and collaborating in research, development and innovation both nationally and internationally. Consulting and Audit. The group has developed the Web for Technologies Research for Engineering Education, integrating remote laboratories, trends in engineering education, MOOC courses, etc.

SCC. Within the Department of Communication and Control Systems at UNED, professors of Systems and Automation Engineering of the School of Engineering are integrated developing projects of Innovation and Research in Education Applied Engineering, Remote Laboratories, etc.

LTCS: LTCS works on developing projects that apply techniques of collaboration and learning in distance learning scenarios. His research is based on educational modeling languages based on the collaborative knowledge and modeling in educational contexts authorship.

GICAC: Innovation in Quality Management University Centers Group

GSyC. The main activities of the Department of Telematic and Computer Systems at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, Spain) are teaching and research in the areas of Telematics Engineering and Computer Science. For historical reasons, the acronym is GSyC (Systems and Communications Group). It is attached to the School of Telecommunications Engineering.

LITE: LITE (Laboratory of Information Technologies in Education) has an interest in investigating three related fields: computer education, teaching innovation and human-computer interaction. The main lines our research efforts are focused on are as follows: teaching conversational agents, applications for mobile devices, “e-learning” and “blended learning”, programming university education research, collaborative systems, and recommendation systems and software visualization.