«Corporate e-Learning Infrastructure: The Issue from the UOC Perspective»

Françesc Noguera



The purpose of this presentation is to explain and contrast the initial set of principles, or set of axioms, which were defined at the time of the creation of the UOC, which affected, both then and now, the strategy and policy design and deployment of the ICT infrastructure at our University. A discussion of these initial principles will prove useful and productive, since they governed and guided the entire technical effort, investment and the very style of the infrastructure; the discussion will be conducted from the premise that there are different formulas to achieve the same objective and that, furthermore, it is desirable and convenient for each institution to design its own.It will also be pointed out that the principles must be reviewed periodically to keep them updated and consistent with an evolving reality, especially in the field of eLearning and in the field of technology. Finally, with the sole purpose of explaining how the above-mentioned principles have been translated into practice, we can also summarize, very briefly, the current ICT infrastructure of the University.


Experience in large and medium companies of services and industrial sector and in the academic field as well. He has developed his activity in local, national and international levels, particularly in Europe, USA and South America, always in the area of ICT.

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