Panel Session: Looking 4 years back and 4 forward in Educational Technology
A lot has changed in educational technology in the last 4 years. E-learning has expanded immensely and has entered into current educational practices with strength. However, the promise the educational technology is stronger than ever before. Exciting times are ahead of us. In this panel session, the coordinators of the 6 universities participating in eMadrid, will look back on the advances made in the 4 years of the eMadrid project. They will also try to anticipate what the future will bring us in the coming 4 years.
Carlos Delgado Kloos received a PhD degree in Computer Science from the Technische Universität München and a PhD degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He is currently Full Professor of Telematics Engineering at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Director of the on-line Master Máster online en “Gestión y Producción en e-Learning”, and Coordinator of the eMadrid network. Additionally, he is Associate Vice-Chancellor of International Relations.
Edmundo Tovar, Computer Engineering educator, has a Ph. D. (1994) and a Bachelor’s degree (1986) in Computer Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). He is Certified Software Development Professional (CSDP) from the IEEE Computer Society. He is Associate Dean for Quality and Strategic Planning in the Computing School of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. From this last position he is in charge of the training for academic staff, the introduction of innovative solutions including new pedagogies; new approaches that improve student learning of technical skills and cultural skills, improved methods of blended learning and others. He works in the open educational resources area
Baltasar Fernández-Manjón is full professor in the Department of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (DISIA) at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). He received Bachelor in Physics (major in Computer Science) and a PhD in Physics from the UCM. He is IEEE senior member, member of the IFIP Working Group 3.3 “Research on the Educational uses of Communication and Information Tecnlogies”) and of the Spanish Technical Committee for E-learning Standarization (AENOR CTN71/SC36). He leads the Complutense e-learning research group <e-UCM> ( His main research interests are e-learning technologies, educational uses of serious games, application of educational standards and user modelling.
Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona received a PhD in Telecommunications Engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Currently he is associate professor in the Department of Telematics and Computing of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, where he is also head of department. He is also director of the master’s program on free software and founding member of the GSyC/LibreSoft research group targeted at several aspects of the research on free software and communities of creation and innovation, both in URJC. His main research area is free software development.
Juan de Lara holds a Ph.D in Computer Science (2000, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), and is Engineer in Computer Science (1996, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and Technical Engineer in Computer Science (1994, Universidad de Castilla la Mancha). He is currently associate profesor (permanent position) at the Computer Science Department of the Universidad Autónoma in Madrid where he teaches Software Design. He is the (co-)author of more than 100 papers in international conferences and journals, and has been visiting researcher at McGill University (Montreal), the Technical University of Berlin, the “Sapienza” University of Rome and the University of York (UK). His current research interests are in the areas of Model-Driven Engineering and Modelling and Simulation. Personal web page.
Miguel Rodríguez Artacho (Ph. D.) is researcher and assistant professor at UNED University, Spain. He is a member of the Learning Technologies and Cooperative Systems group (LTCS group ) at LSI Department. Main research focuses on the development of learning content specifications to model individual and collaborative learning processes, learning resources and tools. Since 1999 actively participates in Learning Technology standardization groups like CEN-LTWS, ISO-JTC1/SC36 and others and currently co-holds the technical secretariat of Spanish e-learning standardization body AEN/JTC1/SC36. He has been invited panelist of LT related conferences and has several publications concerning educational content modeling and collaborative learning environments.