«Remote labs integration in a real large-scale educational project: Go-Lab project technology and organization»
Javier García ZubíaUniversidad de Deusto
Remote laboratories face many challenges regarding its design, and technology is only one, though perhaps the best known. Often the design of a remote laboratory focuses only on technological aspects, reducing its usability and usefulness.
GoLab project has remote laboratories as the main element, but not the only one. Therefore, this project combines: teaching, technology, organization and community. The presentation will show these integrative aspects from the point of view of remote laboratories and their exploitation and use.
Javier García Zubia is Doctor in Computer Sciences by the University of Deusto, and he currently is a full professor in the Industrial Technologies Department of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Deusto. His main research topic consists on the design, deployment and evaluation of educational remote laboratories. He is an IEEE Senior Member.