«Standardization on online laboratories for education based on smart learning objects»

Miguel Rodríguez Artacho



One of the possible approaches for the increasing use of remote laboratories (RL) in education from k12 to higher education is to define and establish a common consensus on the structure and operation of RLs from a learning technologies perspective. On one hand as open educational resources (OER), on the other hand as a “lego” piece in the cloud with a focus on potential standardardized information models and protocols. Thus resulting in a common basis to provide instructional interoperability based on search, retrieval, labeling and services for educational purposes.


Miguel Rodríguez Artacho (Ph. D.) is researcher and associate professor at UNED University, Spain. He is director of the Learning Technologies and Cooperative Systems group (http://ltcs.uned.es) at LSI Department, which main research focuses on the development of learning content specifications to model individual and collaborative learning processes, learning resources and tools. He participates in Learning Technology standardization groups like ISO/SC36 CEN TC353 and IEEE P1876, and currently holds the technical secretariat of Spanish e-learning standardization body AEN/JTC1/SC36. He has been visiting professor of the Quebec University (TELUQ, Montreal) and is currently Vice-Dean for institutional affairs at Computer Science School at UNED University.



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