«Bridging the gap»

Michael Kirch

Department of Pedagogy and Rehabilitation at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich

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There is a gap between the digital and the physical learning outside and inside of schools. Within teacher formation it is hard to bridge this gap. Universities train future teachers for a world that becomes more and more digital, but send them to schools of the past, that are dominated by physical learning. Seminar rooms at universities seldomly reflect what the «meeting» of the digital with the physical could mean for teaching and learning in schools at these different levels. Elder university lecturers themselves learned more with the physical than the digital and some stayed kind of «out of date». The presentation focusses on the university classrooms at the LMU as a measure to bridge this gap in order to realize a more seamless but still seam-aware approach to media teacher formation.


Doctor Michael Kirch is academic counsel at the department of Pedagogy and Rehabilitation at the LMU in Munich, focusing on Primary Education and Media. As a primary school teacher he worked in different countries. Before realizing his PhD project on early foreign language acquisition by watching television he worked for several years for different media companies. He is in charge of the LMU University Classrooms, a special form of video labs for teacher training.



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