«Connectivist MOOC as a tool to develop digital competences»
Oriol Borrás GenéProfessor at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
One of the competences included in the Common Framework of Digital Teaching Competence of INTEF (Spain) and DigComp or DigCompEdu, in Europe, is the management of «digital identity». The MOOC «Poténciate con Redes Sociales» of the Rey Juan Carlos University, winner of the First MiriadaX Educational Innovation Award in 2018, has two objectives: the first is to make the participant aware of the importance of a responsible and active presence on the network, the second is to acquire the skills required for proper management of their digital identity. Throughout the presentation, the model of the MOOC that works, through the principle of «learning by doing», the digital competences of its participants through the use of a virtual learning community on Facebook and the use of external tools such as Padlet, Hangout and Kahoot will be described.
Oriol Borrás Gené (@oriolTIC) holds a PhD in Telecommunications Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and he is a professor at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. He has worked as a consultant and trainer in Educational Technologies for more than 14 years in the Tele-education Cabinet of the Politécnica. He is coordinator and teacher in the MOOC «Poténciate con redes sociales», winner of the first prize for Educational Innovation MiriadaX. His research lines include MOOC, gamification, social networks and the study of Professional Digital Identity.