«The 7Cs of Learning Design»
Gráinne ConoleIndependent consultant and former professor and Head of the Open Education Unit within the National Institute for Digital Learning at Dublin City University
Digital technologies offer a wealth of ways in which learners can interact with rich multimedia, communicate and collaborate. They can support different pedagogical approaches (such as problem-based learning, dialogic learning and collaboration). However, despite this teachers are not using technologies extensively, they lack the necessary digital literacy skills to harness the affordances of digital technologies. This chapter describes the 7Cs of Learning Design framework, which aims to help teachers make more informed design decisions that are pedagogically effective and make appropriate use of digital technologies.
Gráinne Conole is an independent consultant and was a professor and Head of the Open Education Unit within the National Institute for Digital Learning at Dublin City University. Before this she was a consultant and visiting professor at Dublin City University. She has worked at the Universities of Bath Spa, Bristol, Leicester, the Open University UK and Southampton. Her research interests are on the use of technologies for learning, including Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), new approaches to designing for learning, e-pedagogies, and social media. She has an HEA National Teaching Fellowship and is a fellow of EDEN and ASCILITE. She has published and presented over 1000 talks, workshops and articles. In terms of Masters and PhD supervision and external examinations (both national and international): (14 as internal examiner, 56 as external examiner, 16 as supervisor). This year alone she has examined 8 PhD vivas. She has been external examiner for the Technology and Learning Masters course at Trinity College Dublin (2013 -2017), PGCE course at the University of Southhampton (Current), a Masters course in Educational Technology in Ulster (now complete), the Networked Learning masters at Lancaster University (now complete),, the masters in e-learning at Plymouth University (now complete), an e-learning Masters at Dublin City University (now complete) and the masters in e-learning at the Dublin Institute of Technology (now complete). See http://e4innovation.com for more details.