«Collaborative Design with Classroom Teachers for Impactful Game-Based Learning Analytics and Dashboards»

Yoon Jeon Kim

Universidad of Wisconsin-Madison, USA


The use of learning analytics (LA) in educational technology has emerged as a key interest to researchers with the promise that this technology will help teachers and schools make data-informed decisions that were not feasible without big data and AI-driven algorithms. Despite its potential, LA has not yet effectively connected research and practice broadly. In the field, we have yet to understand how research-based advances in LA can become accessible assets for teachers, and often LA tools are generally not aligned with teachers’ needs. To see the real impact of LA in classrooms, educational researchers and tool developers should consider engaging classroom teachers as co-designers when developing game-based learning analytics and visualizations. The first step is to understand teacher assessment literacy for using sophisticated technology-enhanced learning systems that use algorithms and analytics. In this talk, I discuss a framework that we have been developing by exploring a balanced design of data visualization that considers teachers’ needs and desires as well as their assessment literacy using a 3D geometry game Shadowspect. 


YJ Kim (yj.kim@wisc.eud) is an Assistant Professor of Design, Creative, and Informal Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at UW–Madison. Her work centers on the topic of innovative assessment and application of playful activity design to challenge what and how we are measuring learning. YJ’s playful assessment research ranges from a computer game using evidence-centered design and analytics techniques to paper-based embedded assessment tools for making. The core of her work is close collaboration with practitioners—empowering teachers to innovate around classroom assessment and use playful and authentic assessment tools that can truly impact student learning. She received her PhD in Instructional Systems Design from the Florida State University, and a B.S. in Educational Technology from Ewha Womans University.



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