«Megatrends and Future Scenarios in Education 2025. We are prepared to Increase Education to an Augmented Society»

Carlos Ochoa

One Digital Consulting / VRAR Association Madrid Chapter

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New generations of students and hyper-connectivity are rapidly changing both educational needs and the way they are delivered. Advances in cognitive science, the availability of information in real time, new pedagogical approaches and the emphasis on lifelong learning are diversifying interests and ways of learning, as well as access to education. The phrase “I don’t know” is a thing of the past. The historical link between education and school/university-based learning could weaken in the future, with informal and unstructured learning gaining more and more recognition. This could have both revolutionary and disruptive effects on the global educational landscape and on the intelligence of future generations.

Throughout the presentation, we are going to see how this is being reflected in our daily lives in a truly dizzying way, and new concepts such as “Mixed Realities”, “New Learning Agents”, “Tech the Future” or “The Voices of the New Generations”, are gaining more relevance in a framework that is too classic and structured. In all this scenario, the roles of educators, trainers, learners and students are undergoing a considerable change that we must face with imagination, eliminating preconceived barriers. Bringing and accelerating education and training to the real needs of the digital society.


Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, MBA in Entrepreneurship from Babson College, Innovation and Entrepreneurship from Maryland University, and ITC & Gis from Siemens Data-Technic Schule. Founder and CEO of ONE Digital Consulting, President VR/AR Association Madrid Chapter, Co-Chair of the Education Committee, Founding Member of iLRN, ICICLE X-Reality for Learning and Performance Augmentation SIG, Founding Member of the Group of Experts on Smart Cities of AENOR. Member of several Committees of Experts in XR in Training, Education, Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Smart Cities. Author of numerous publications and articles: “Best Practices in VR in Education” and “State of the Art of XR in Education”.

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