Professor Ruth Cobos Pérez of the UAM will give a research seminar at the Universitat de Lleida on 31st March 2023.

Professor Ruth Cobos Pérez from the UAM will give an invited research seminar at the University of Lleida on 31 March 2023 at 12:00 at the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Social Work (FEPTS).
This seminar, entitled «”Learning Analytics” for the improvement of teaching-learning for teachers and students of MOOCs», will show the possibilities and challenges that Massive Free Online Courses, or better known as MOOCs, offer for online learning. In addition, the types of analytics offered by the Learning Analytics area and their application with students and teachers of MOOCs will be shown. More specifically, the use of a Learning Analytics system developed at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid that improves the teaching-learning experience of teachers and students of MOOCs will be shown.
Dr. Ruth Cobos is Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Member of the research group “GHIA: Grupo de Herramientas Interactivas Avanzadas” at UAM since 1999 and member of the research group “Grupo de Excelencia Cognición y Contexto: el aprendizaje colaborativo mediado por ordenador” at the University of Lleida (UdL) since 2005. Currently, his main research areas include Learning Analytics, MOOCs, e-Learning, Blended Learning, CSCL and Educational Technologies.