«Towards a European Skills & Qualifications Space: the role of Courses & Credentials»
Anthony CamilleriKnowledge Innovation Centre
The presentation will given an overview of the work done in Europe over the last two years on promoting a data model for learning, promoting interoperability of learning opportunities, and creating a European standard and technologies for digital credentialing. It will also give a preview of the role digital skills and qualifications data will play in upcoming policy initiatives, particularly the Skills Agenda, and set these within the context of larger global initiatives on credentialing.
Anthony F. Camilleri is a senior partner and founder of the Knowledge Innovation Centre, specialised on digital technologies in education and credentialing. He is one of the architects of Europass Digital Credentials as well as the Europass Data model, and works with countries, public authorities and educational institutions on implementing systems for verifiable digital credentials. He consults with the European Commission on applications of blockchain to credentials, and co-chairs the W3C Workgroup on Verifiable Credentials in Education.