«Learning analytics and mining teachers’ interactions in learning objects repositories»
Boris YarmakhovHead for the center for Data Analysis of the Moscow City Pedagogic University
Well organized and curated learning objects repository (LOR) today may be considered a powerful change driver for many national educational systems moving towards elearnign and blended learning models. Learning analytics may become a tool for extracting collaboration patterns from logs of learning objects usage by students and teachers. This data helps to create a realistic picture of how learning occurs, what hubs and links are essential for building knowledge structures in educational institutions. Our research is based on collaborative work of teachers in major Russian LOR, Moscow electronic school. Our findings show that teachers tend to create learning objects collaboratively and remix, rather than simply use them in their classroom. Creating remixable learning objects and tracking LOR based digital footprints may become a major pathway to reforming our educational system.
Boris Yarmakhov is the head for the center for Data Analysis of the Moscow City Pedagogic University. Before joining the University he collaborated with Intel and Google as an educational expert and consultant. His current research interests include network analysis in educational systems, learning analytics in learning objects repositories, blended learning, the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence in education. He has published books on «One-to-one learning», «Google Apps for Education», «Russian Cases for Blended Learning» and articles in various Russian and international journals, and presented at multiple conferences in the US, UK, India, Serbia etc.