The eMadrid network co-sponsors a series of webinars of the IEEE Education Society
(Madrid, January, 11th, 2021)
The IEEE Education Society starts the year with the “Iot and new frontiers in education” webinar series that will take place on January 18th-22nd. This event is co-sponsored by the eMadrid network and is organized by the Spanish, Portuguese and Bangalore chapters of the IEE Education Society, in collaboration with the IEEE Student Branch of the UNED, the IEEE HKN Nu Alpha chapter of the UNED, the IEEE Spain Section, the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (SPEE) and REVA University.
The presentation of the talks will be in charge of the member of eMadrid Manuel Castro, Rayapur Siva Reedy and Oscar M. Bonastre. The webinar program is as follows:
- January 18, 2021: Manuel Castro, Education and Remote Laboratories.
- January 19, 2021: Sergio Martín, IoT and Practical Laboratories.
- January 20, 2021: Elio Sancristóbal, Security, Devices and Education.
- January 21, 2021: Pedro Plaza, FPGAs and remote educational activities.
- January 22, 2021: Alejandro Macho, FPPAAs and Remote Laboratories.
The webinars are scheduled to air online at 4:30 pm CET. More details and free registration by clicking on the link.