Call for contributions VI eMadrid Workshop
The eMadrid Program, who is dedicated to R&D on educational technology in the Region of Madrid and funded by General Directorate of Universities and Research of the Ministry of Education of the Region of Madrid in the context of the call for R & D Programs Technologies 2013, it requests contributions of academic and educational experiences, specially those who can considerate itself as a disruptive (in its broadest sense of the word).
The catchword of the workshop this year is “Unbundling Education”. With this, we want to say that it is taking place many initiatives that, in some way, breaks down the educative package as we know today and It weans of some parameters which take for granted. Such are for higher education: age range (from 18 years), duration of the studies(4 years for a degree), curriculums with little customization, indivisibility of subjects, how they teach, schedules, academic calendar (beginning in September), evaluation, certification(included at the end). What parameter can be flexible? Are there another academic packages more flexible?
The goal of this initiative is to create a forum for exchange educational experiences with technologies, opening the eMadrid Workshop the participation of those who want to share with others their experiences. Researchers, teachers (university, colleges and schools) and other teachers and educational workers are invited to participate.
Those interested in submitting contributions should know that:
- They may send their contributions until May 5, 2016 to the address
- The contributions consist of the following data
- Title of the contribution
- Name of the authors
- Entity or organization (optional)
- Email Contact
- summary up to 300 words of the contribution
- The decision of contributions accepted by the program committee will be released on May 25, 2016.
- The authors of accepted contributions may present their work at the VI eMadrid Wrokshop, to be held during 20 and 21 June 2016 in Medialab-Prado. They will can make:
- A presentation in the auditorium of MediaLab Prado between 5 and 10 minutes (depending on the final number of accepted contributions).
- The display of a poster in the coffee shop during the coffee break 30 minutes after the session presentations and where they can chat with attendees and give more information about their experience.
- The authors of accepted contributions authorize the eMadrid to publish, in the means it deems appropriate, the summary of the contributions and the transparencies used during the presentation. In the event that the conference was videotaped, attendees consent to your presentations are recorded.
- Attendance is open and free.
- Full details of the call will be available on the Web address:
Program Committee
The Program Committee shall consist of members of the management committee eMadrid project, which have extensive experience and recognized expertise in educational technologies. Specifically, the jury will be composed of:
- Carlos Delgado Kloos, UC3M
- Pedro J. Muñoz-Merino, UC3M
- Pilar Rodríguez, UAM
- Ruth Cobos Pérez, UAM
- Baltasar Fernández Manjón, UCM
- Manuel Freire, UCM
- Miguel Rodríguez Artacho, UNED
- Manuel Castro, UNED
- Edmundo Tovar Caro, UPM
- Mercedes Cámara, UPM
- Gregorio Robles, URJC
- Ángel Velázquez, URJC
Document delivery
Candidates must upload the required documentation until May 5, 2016 to the address