«EntreComp into action: be inspired & making it happen»

Rebecca Weicht

Bantani Education

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Bantani Education is a non-profit organisation supporting the development of entrepreneurial learning at EU and global level. Committed to creating a better understanding of what we mean by «being entrepreneurial», we have worked with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre on both design and implementation of EntreComp (European Entrepreneurship Competence Reference Framework, 2016) since its inception, and are now developing a comprehensive user guide «EntreComp into action: be inspired & make it happen» to increase its up-take. Through this, we have engaged education, community, business and end-users to develop an inspirational user guide to EntreComp.  Rebecca will share insights into the upcoming user guide, highlighting best practices to get started in using EntreComp, tips and tricks of how others have worked with the framework and examples of its’ application across education, community, businesses and start-ups, alongside resources that support the teaching and learning of the EntreComp entrepreneurial competences.


Rebecca is co-founder of Brussels-based non-profit Bantani Education, developing and supporting creative and entrepreneurial learning policy and practice. Her background is in communications and capacity building in the field of global sustainability, and she is an experienced project manager and trainer with additional specialisms in journalism and communications. She is able to translate complex thoughts to a variety of audiences, and has brought her skills to various projects in entrepreneurship education, working on projects for the European Commission (development of the user guide for the EU Entrepreneurship Competence Framework) and international projects to explore innovative and teacher-friendly assessment approaches for entrepreneurial skills in formal education (entreassess.com). Her most recent work includes an international project bringing entrepreneurial and foreign language skills together for children at primary school age (cradleproject.eu), and on behalf of Bantani she will soon be launching a policy reform project funded by the European Commission to develop a teacher competence framework for entrepreneurial education with supporting CPD.



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