«Introduction to the STEM + Education and Latin America 2013-2018 Horizon Reports»

Larry Johnson

New Media Consortium


The Horizon Reports are an international benchmark in terms of the predictions of the educational technologies impact in the world of education. This talk will present the STEM+ Report, dedicated to engineering, science and mathematics, as well as the Latin American Report.


Larry Johnson is an acknowledged expert on emerging technology and its impacts on society and education, and has written five books, seven chapters, and published more than 50 papers and research reports on the topic. He speaks regularly on the topics of creativity, innovation, and technology trends, and has delivered more than 125 keynote addresses to a long list of distinguished groups and organizations all over the world. He is the founder of the Horizon Project, which produces the acclaimed series of Horizon Reports that are used by well over a million educators in more than 150 countries.



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