«Clickers, e-assessment, and others: blessing, curse, or both?»

Jan Vahrenhold

University of Münster, Germany

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The accessibility of digital classroom technology has motivated discussions about their use in higher education for some time, but there is still no apparent consensus. This talk discusses some reasons for this, both with regard to the limits and possibilities of the underlying technologies and with regard to the research questions in computing education


Jan Vahrenhold is a professor of Computer Science at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany. He studied Computer Science, Mathematics, and Classical Philology and received his PhD (1999) and venia legendi (2004) in Computer Science, both from WWU Münster. He was associate professor of Computer Science at TU Dortmund, Germany, from 2006-2012 and held visiting faculty positions at UMIT Innsbruck, Austria, in 2001/2002 and the University of Siegen, Germany, in 2002/2003. Jan Vahrenhold’s research interests include Efficient Algorithms, Algorithm Engineering and Computing Education Research. He has (co-)chaired several international conferences in these areas and acts as co-editor-in-chief of «Computer Science Education» and associate editor of «Journal of Computational Geometry». From 2014-2017, he chaired the joint ACM Europe/Informatics Europe Committee on European Computing Education.


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