«Using IBM Analytics to help learn taking better decisions»

Ramiro Rego Álvarez

IBM Universidades, Spain

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Now a days all the organizations are required to be effective but this is not enough to succeed most of times, they have to be efficient. This means avoiding wrong decision making to maximize revenue and margins and minimize expenses and other costs. This is not an easy task and needs highly skilled professionals and data scientists working with line of business users. Learning paths and how steep are the learning curves are key for success in decision taking. IBM helps in adopting new scientific focused business solutions with IBM Analytics Platform providing the right tool for each user.


IBM Analytics Platform Client Technical Professional and Watson Analytics Evangelist. Master degree in Physics by Cantabria University, Ramiro has worked in industries like banking, insurance, aerospace and defense as consultant before joining SPSS and IBM as data scientist where is focused in providing companies with analytic resources to become cognitive enterprises. Also he is visiting professor at IE School of Human Sciences and Technology.

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