«The reality is a chat»

Gonzalo Aller Arias

Makers Kreitek

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In this paper we’ll see why chat is (and has been) one of the most popular services and how we can talk, thanks to the development of artificial intelligence, with people and systems. We will also analyze how this will help us in our daily life and, of course, will influence learning methods.


Founding partner and peer of the company Fotón Sistemas Inteligentes in the Canary Islands and collaborator and peer in the Hangar Kreitek 3 (kreitek.org, a Makerspace). He was a founding member of the Asociación de Empresas de Software Libre de Canarias (ESLIC, as president) which was integrated into the Federación de Asociaciones de Empresas de Software Libre (ASOLIF). Passionate about the connection between peers (and odd) and the heart of Free Software: sharing. With that same spirit, he is an active member of Makers Kreitek, where he tries to make the world a much more sustainable and pleasant place to live.


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