«ACM-IEEE Computing Curricula 2020: A Closer Look»

David López Álvarez

PhD in Computer Science at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and member of the BCN SEER (Barcelona Sciencie and Engineering Education Research Group)

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The 2020 Computer Curriculum will be published before the end of the year. This report will be a reference for the Computing undergraduate programs in many universities around the world. A first draft was released a few months ago, with the intention of receiving feedback from the community. The presenter is a member of the CC2020 Task Force. The idea of the presentation is to explain some details of the report, the responses received and clarify some concepts about it.


Dr. David López has a master’s degree (1991) and a PhD (1998) in Computer Science from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech (UPC). He has taught at the Department of Computer Architecture at the UPC since 1991, becoming associate professor in 2001. His PhD thesis was on the design of architectures and compilers to optimize numerical code. In 2004 he decided to change his main research field to engineering education and the relationship between engineering; sustainability and ethics. He has published more than 120 scientific papers.

Dr López has been the director of the Institute of Education Sciences at the UPC (2015-2019), of which he was formerly deputy director. He is a member of the Steering Committee of the Spanish Association of University Informatics Teachers (AENUI), and the Government Board of the Spanish Informatics Scientific Society (SCIE). He has given more than 40 workshops and over 100 talks on computing and sustainability, professional engineering skills and communication for engineers. 

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