«Predictive learning analytics at scale: the case of the Open University UK»

Christothea Herodotou

Ph.D. degree in Digital Games and Psychology from the University College London (UCL). Associated Professor at The Open University of UK

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In this talk, I will share my experiences of designing, evaluating  and adopting predictive learning analytics (PLAs) at the Open University UK. I will report on the large-scale and long-term implementation of PLAs spanning a period of 4 years. OU Analyse (OUA) is the PLA system used, providing predictive insights to teachers about students and their chance of submitting an assignment and passing a course.  I will provide insights in particular about  the macro-level of PLAs adoption by detailing analytics usage, challenges, and factors facilitating adoption at the institution, and by detailing the micro-level of adoption, that is the teachers’ perspectives about OUA. Practical recommendations as to how to develop and adopt PLAs in higher education will be discussed.


Dr Christothea Herodotou is an Associate Professor at the Open University, UK. She has extensive expertise in the evidence-based design and evaluation of technologies for learning (online platforms, mobile applications, digital games) through innovative research methodologies including learning analytics. She coordinated the evaluation of the Early Alert Indicators project, a university-wide initiative that assessed predictive learning analytics interventions and their impact on students’ performance and attainment; the project has received multiple awards for research impact and excellence in teaching. Also, she holds funding from eSTEeM (co-I) to improve the accuracy of predictive learning analytics of at risk students, as measured by OU Analyse. She also holds funding from the National Science Foundation,Wellcome Trust, and ESRC to improve the design of online citizen science platforms and make science learning more accessible and productive to young people. She is the academic lead of nQuire – a citizen science platform developed in partnership with the BBC that aims to engage the public in all the stages of scientific research. She is the PI of the UKRI funded project EduCs that aims to develop citizen science capacity in large organisations. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and an Honorary Associate of UCL. She received her Ph.D. degree in Digital Games and Psychology from the University College London (UCL) and her MSc in Education, Technology, and Society from the University of Bristol.

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