The Good Practices Report of the madri+d Foundation applauds the work of the university community during the pandemic


Madrid universities adapted quickly and in an exemplary way to the scenario caused by COVID-19. It is one of the conclusions of the Report on Good Teaching Practices in the COVID-19 Period prepared by the Madridmasd Foundation for Knowledge, in collaboration with the Department of Science, Universities and Innovation of the Community of Madrid.

The document has been prepared by a team of 16 people, including Carlos Alario, Deputy Vice-Rector for Strategy and Digital Education at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and a member of the eMadrid network. It analyzes how universities faced an “impossible scenario” that forced them, in a matter of a week, to transform themselves in order to offer quality online teaching during the pandemic. It highlights the titanic effort made by the university community and collects both experiences and recommendations that allow the centers to be prepared for future challenges.

Juan Antonio Huertas, former vice-rector for Teaching, Educational Innovation and Quality at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and coordinator of the project, has argued that the pandemic “has taught us the value of interaction between teachers and students. One of the recommendations now is that it is time to reflect on what face-to-face teaching is for ”and how to apply what has been learned to the new normal.

The report describes how the lockdown affected more than 1,200 university degrees, almost 300,000 students and 25,000 teachers in the Community of Madrid. It has been prepared with the information collected from December 2020 and has been structured around 6 areas: Theoretical Training Activities, Practical Training Activities, External Practices, Assessment systems, Information and transparency and Reinforcement of teaching.

89% of the students interviewed have said they are satisfied or very satisfied with the resources that universities have developed for them during the pandemic. In fact, this study shows that Madrid universities have not only known how to remain active in this period, but have also worked to improve the quality of teaching.

Regarding the development of teaching, the experts highlight the efforts of centers and teachers in terms of, for example, intensive training in teaching methodologies, tools and digital skills, as well as the defense of face-to-face teaching. Learning that has facilitated, for example, online assessment, which has been carried out thanks to the use of multiple digital resources. On the other hand, in relation to external internships, it is recognized that, although presence is irreplaceable, flexibility in times, calendars and administrative procedures is a positive and valid alternative.

From the Department of Science, Universities and Innovation of the Community of Madrid and the Madridmasd Foundation for Knowledge, they hope that this work can serve as inspiration and guide for the challenges that may arise in the future.

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