«Remote/Virtual Laboratories for Smart Industry at I4EU»

Elio San Cristóbal


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The virtual and remote laboratories under development for the I4EU project are presented for their use as virtual and remote practical experimentation as well as for their integration in the short courses and educational activities of the project.

Among other experiments and practical activities, the following can be highlighted: the analysis of algorithms and their use within instrumentation and analysis systems, such as their use in wind forecasting and management systems or in meteorological systems; the analysis of images of vehicle accidents for use within the insurance and accident prevention sector; the interaction with flexible manufacturing systems and the control of devices (such as PLCs) within these systems; the use of energy control systems based on new low-cost elements (Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc.) and their use for lighting or motor control, etc.


Professor contracted doctor in the department of electrical engineering, electronics, control, telematics and chemistry applied to engineering (DIEECTQAI). Doctor in Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering systems from the Higher School of Industrial Engineers of the UNED. He also holds the titles of Computer Engineer, specializing in Software Engineering, from the Pontifical University of Salamanca (UPS) and Technical Engineer in Computer Systems from the same University. He is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

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