«Theory, technique (and some case-study) of neurocommunication»

«Theory, technique (and some case-study) of neurocommunication» Ubaldo Cuesta Full Professor of Communication Psychology. Director of the Department of Theory and Analysis of Communication and the Neurocommunication Laboratory (UCM) Free registration Abstract Ubaldo...

«Validation support for serious games with SIMVA and TxMon»

«Validation support for serious games with SIMVA and TxMon» Iván Martínez Associated professor at the Department of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Free Registration Abstract Serious games are a useful and effective...

«ACM-IEEE Computing Curricula 2020: una mirada detallada»

«ACM-IEEE Computing Curricula 2020: una mirada detallada» David López Álvarez Profesor Titular del  Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores. Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. Regístrate gratis Resumen de la ponencia Antes de final de año se publicará el...