«Learning analytics in mass experimentation environments»

«Learning analytics in mass experimentation environments» Sergio Martín Gutiérrez Associated professor at UNED Free registration Abstract This paper explores the analysis of student activities in mass experimentation environments. Specifically, the speaker will...

«Implications of learning data coming from MOOCs»

«Implications of learning data coming from MOOCs» Edmundo Tovar Caro Associated professor at UPM Free registration Abstract In the current scenario there is great interest in better understanding how learning happens and how it can be adapted and personalised. MOOCs...

«Examples of tools that supports learning analytics in MOOCs»

«Examples of tools that supports learning analytics in MOOCs» Ruth Cobos Pérez Associated professor at UAM Free registration Abstract The Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) became part of the edX Consortium in 2014 (https://www.edx.org/school/uamx). Since then, more...

«Intervention and actions based on educational data»

«Intervention and actions based on educational data» Pedro J. Muñoz Merino Associated professor at UC3M Free registration Abstract There are many ways in which educational data can be used to improve learning, such as for personalised learning, predicting the future...

«Analíticas y aprendizaje en juegos serios»

«Analíticas y aprendizaje en juegos serios» Manuel Freire Morán Profesor contratado doctor en el Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial de la Facultad de Informática de la UCM Regístrate gratis Resumen de la ponencia Los juegos serios tienen...